During persistent freezing temperatures, it is important to protect your home from frost damage. Prevent frost damage thanks to these tips.
1. Prevent frost damage indoors
1.1. Controleer je verwarming
- Check that electrical installations are properly protected.
- Have your heating (gas, heating oil, heating oil) inspected promptly if necessary.
- Make sure furniture and curtains do not block the heat from your radiators so that the room heats up evenly.
- Vent your radiators to heat more efficiently and reduce wear and tear on your heating system.
- Always set your thermostat to at least 7 to 10 degrees, even when you are away, to prevent freezing of pipes.
1.2. Bescherm je waterleidingen
- Consider heating cables on water pipes in cold areas to prevent freezing.
- Insulate water pipes in unheated areas such as the basement, garage or attic. Use special pipe insulation and prevent freezing and bursting.
1.3. Maak je woning energiezuinig
- Hang heavy curtains on large windows. These serve as extra insulation.
- Apply draft strips around windows and doors to keep heat in and cold air out.
- Place insulating film behind your radiators so they lose less heat on the wall side.
Read in our article 6 Tips for an energy-efficient rental property for 6 additional energy-saving tips.
1.4. Voorkom woningbrand
- Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Replace batteries as needed.
- Have the chimney cleaned annually to prevent blockages and fire hazards.
Read in our article Home fire prevention and find out all the tips.
1.5. Apparatuur in niet-geïsoleerde ruimtes
- Move non-frost-resistant appliances (such as freezers and refrigerators) to a heated area or empty them and turn them off during frost.
![Frost damage_refrigerator cleaning](https://www.appartement.be/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Vorstschade_koelkast-reinigen-1024x576.png)
2. Prevent frost damage outdoors
2.1. Controleer je dak en dakgoten
- Remove leaves and debris from your gutters so that water can drain properly and prevent ice from forming.
- Have your roof checked for loose tiles or cracks that can worsen and cause leaks due to frost.
2.2. Buitenleidingen en riolering
- Shut off outside faucets and empty pipes.
- Disconnect garden hoses, empty them and store them indoors.
- Flush drains regularly with warm water to prevent icing.
- Carefully pour hot water down the sink drain to prevent freezing.
2.3. Bereid je tuin en oprit voor
- Secure loose objects or store them in your yard. For example, garden furniture, planters, shovels, rakes and other objects.
- Use road salt or sand to prevent icing on your driveway and garden paths.
![Frost damage_Sand in hand](https://www.appartement.be/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Vorstschade_Zand-in-hand-1024x576.png)
3. Other
3.1. Als je op reis gaat
- Run the heater on at least 7 degrees or the antifreeze setting to prevent freezing of pipes.
- Ask a neighbor or family member to check your home occasionally for frost problems while you are away if it freezes solidly during your trip.
Sources: HLN, Livios, vtwonen, Zimmo
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Stiasteny, L. (2024, Nov. 14). Protect your home from frost damage: all the tips. Apartment.be. Consulted on (date XX/XX/202X), from https://www.appartement.be/bescherm-je-woning-tegen-vorstschade/
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