Cool your apartment during a heat wave: 10+ refreshing tips

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Warm weather is good! But not too hot. Heat waves are more common during Belgian summers. Find all heat wave tips here: How to prepare? What to do during the heat? What should you do after the heat wave?

How do you survive the daytime heat wave?

  1. Limit physical exertion: Don’t do anything intense. This will prevent overheating.
  2. Be prepared for emergencies: Keep a first aid kit handy in case of an emergency.
  3. Use light bedding and light clothing: Breathable materials such as cotton and linen makes you feel fresh.
  4. Stay indoors: Try to stay indoors as much as possible, especially during the hottest times of the day (usually between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.).
  5. Use light colors and materials: Choose light colors on walls and furniture so they absorb and store less heat.
  6. Eat healthy: Eat light, watery foods to cool down such as watermelon. Eat enough so you provide your body with enough energy.
  7. Cool yourself with water: Hang wet towels in front of open windows. Use a nebulizer to spray water on your face. Or take a cold shower.
  8. Close curtains: Keep the sun out by keeping curtains, blinds or shutters closed. This will keep the heat out and lower your room temperature.
  9. Create a cool zone: Make one specific room in your apartment cooler. Place a portable air conditioner or a fan there. Thanks to this cool room, you won’t have to cool your entire apartment. This is how you save energy.
  10. Use fewer heat sources: Avoid turning on ovens, hot plates and lamps during a heat wave. Turn off electronic devices when you’re not using them. They generate extra heat and raise the temperature in your apartment.
  11. Hydrate yourself: Drink at least 2 liters of water a day to stay hydrated. Set an alarm clock so you drink regularly. Drink enough even if you are not thirsty.
  12. Use fans: An air conditioner is needs a lot of power. A fan is somewhat lighter in terms of power consumption. Place fans in strategic positions to keep the air moving. A ceiling fan or standing fan will give you a nice cooling breeze.
  13. Check surfaces and appliances for leaks or blockages. Check if your belongings have been affected by the extreme heat.


Do you have pets? Make sure they have plenty of fresh water. And that they also get into cool areas.

How do you sleep better during a heat wave?

  1. Keep your feet cold: Put a bucket of cold water next to your bed and dip your feet in it.
  2. Make your room dark: Close your curtains or blinds to keep out sunlight.
  3. Buy a cooling mattress and/or cooling pad. These items have a built-in gel pad or cooling pad.
  4. Stay hydrated: Provide a bottle or glass of water next to your bed so you can drink water at night if you get thirsty.
  5. Turn off your electrical appliances: A television, a radio or even lamps give off heat. Turn them off completely; on standby is not enough.
  6. Take a fresh shower: Before you dive into bed, it’s best to jump into a fresh shower. Cooling down your body will help you fall asleep faster.
  7. Sleep alone: Sleeping alone keeps your body temperature constant. You have more room to stretch your legs and arms which provides better circulation.
  8. Put a fan in your room: The fresh air will cool your body at night. The only downside? A fan makes a lot of noise. Do your research beforehand on low-noise fans.
  9. Cool yourself with water: Sleep with a cold, wet towel or washcloth or sleep with frozen water bottles. Fill plastic bags with ice cubes and place them in the hollows of your knees, elbows, at your groin and on your neck.
  10. Take advantage of natural ventilation: If your apartment has multiple windows, create an airflow by opening them opposite each other. This way warm air goes out and cool air goes in.
  11. Change your sheets: Put away your winter down and replace it with fresh summer sheets. During a heat wave, you sweat more than usual while sleeping, so change your sheets weekly. Use cotton sheets.
  12. Ventilate your home: Open windows at night when the outside temperature is lower than the inside temperature. This way you will have a refreshing flow of air. Make sure you ventilate your room well at the coldest times of the day. Do this in the morning and at night for 15 minutes.


How do you enjoy the hot summer?

Don’t let that stop you from enjoying summer (safely). Cheers to a refreshing and enjoyable summer!

  • Give yourself much-needed rest.
  • Seek cooling in shaded or cool areas.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water.
  • Remember to take good care of yourself during a heat wave.
  • Venture into nature and enjoy picnics in the woods surrounded by shade, peace and coolness.
  • Visit pleasant terraces in the city, where you can relax while enjoying a refreshing drink.


Find coolness during a heat wave. This woman cools her face with water
Image: Woman at window sprays water in her face


Sources: Red Bull, WikiHow, Zalando

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Stiasteny, L. (2024, June 21). Cool your apartment during a heat wave: 10 refreshing tips. Consulted on (date XX/XX/202X), from



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