EPB requirements for new construction according to legislation

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For new construction, there are strict Flemish EPB requirements that apply. Here you will find an overview and explanation of all EPB requirements for newly built houses and apartments.


  • Overview of Flemish EPB requirements for new construction (residential).
  • Thermal insulation
  • Energy Performance
  • Indoor Climate
  • Renewable energy
  • Installations


1. Overview of Flemish EPB requirements for new construction (residential).

Type of works
EPB requirements for new construction 2025
Thermal insulation
Energy Performance
  • E-level: maximum E30
Indoor Climate
Renewable energy
  • At least 15 kWh/m² per year
  • Low-temperature heating (max. 45°C)
  • For water central heating: minimum installation efficiency of 130%


2. Thermal insulation

2.1. S-peil

The S-level or Shell Level assesses the energy efficiency of your home’s building envelope, including insulation value of all components of the envelope and their airtightness. The lower, the better.

2.2. U-waarden

U-values indicate how well your construction insulates heat. Examples of construction are walls, windows, roofs, etc. The unit of the U-value is W/m²K. The lower, the better. You can find the maximum U-values here.

3. Energy Performance

3.1. E-peil

The E-level or Energy Performance Level assesses the energy performance of your home. Normally, your home is only assigned an E-level if your home is a new construction or renovation project. It shows the extent to which your home meets the legal energy performance standards. The lower, the better.

4. Indoor Climate

4.1. Ventilatievoorzieningen

With new construction, you must provide a ventilation system. There is a Belgian ventilation standard that your home must meet. The ventilation standard indicates how quickly a certain amount of air (m³/h) is exchanged in the room (m²). The standards differ for each type of room (bedroom, bathroom, living room, study rooms, toilet, etc.). You can find the minimum ventilation provisions here.

4.2. Oververhitting

There is an overheating indicator that shows how high your home is likely to overheat. Basically, one makes the calculation per room. The lower, the better. The EPB reporter calculates the overheating indicator, but no maximum values have been established yet. Prevent overheating by taking this into account during construction:

  • the orientation of your windows.
  • The amount and area of your glazing.
  • the solar factor of your glazing.
  • the installation of sun protection or shading on your glazing: screens, awnings, blinds, shutters, etc.
  • the building materials: traditional concrete construction stores heat better than wood frame construction.


EPB requirements for new construction_Dining room with awning
Image: Dining room with awning at window


5. Renewable energy

5.1. Hernieuwbare energie regels

  • As of Jan. 1, 2025, you will be allowed to lay gas connections.
  • Heating is only allowed with a heat pump, heat grid, biomass boiler or direct electric heating.
  • You must generate a minimum amount of renewable energy using one or more technologies:
    • A solar water heater.
    • A solar panel installation.
    • Full or partial participation.


5.2. Wat is participatie?

With participation, you invest in a renewable energy project. These are the conditions:

  • You must enter into a participation agreement with a project implementer.
  • You have to bet on a participation of 10 kWh/m² more than the general requirement level.
  • The project must be located in the Flemish region.
  • The project must provide at least 35 kWh of renewable energy per square meter of usable floor area annually.
  • The project implementer must provide a list of participations to VEKA every 3 months.
  • The EPB reporter must enter your participation information in the EPB software for confirmation.


You can find the all about participation here.

6. Installations

6.1. Verwarming op lage temperatuur

Low-temperature heating is a heating system with water that has a temperature between 35 and 55 degrees Celsius. In this situation, one usually combines a heat pump with one of the heating technologies listed below:

  • underfloor heating (max 35 degrees Celcius)
  • adapted radiators and convectors (max 55 degrees Celcius)
  • fan coil units (max 45 degrees Celcius)


6.2. Minimaal installatierendement

As of Jan. 1, 2025, you are required to operate a central heating system using water as the delivery medium with a minimum installation efficiency of 130%. You are obliged to install a heat pump. But this does not apply if you heat with it:

  • the heat grid.
  • air heating systems (e.g., air-to-air heat pumps).
  • local heating (e.g., stoves).


You can find the installation efficiency calculation here.


EPB requirements new construction_Floor heating in room
Picture: Floor heating in room


Sources: Livios, Flanders

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Stiasteny, L. (2024, Nov. 28). Flemish housing loan according to legislation. Apartment.be. Consulted on (date XX/XX/202X), from https://www.appartement.be/vlaamse-woonlening-wetgeving/


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