What is the maximum deposit and rent for a student room in Flanders? What should I do in the event of damage? Discover here the answers to all the frequently asked questions about student accommodation legislation.
- Student dorm legislation: FAQ before renting
- Should the student contract be registered?
- Is it mandatory to prepare a site plan for my dorm?
- Can my dormitory boss charge for the placeholder?
- How much deposit can my dorm owner charge?
- What rent can my landlord charge?
- Can my landlord just raise the rent?
- Can my landlord raise the rent if he wants to renovate the property?
- Do I need to buy my own fire insurance?
- Can I rent a cot with little money?
- Can I rent a dormitory as a working student?
- Can I rent a room as a non-student?
- As a student, can I rent a room together with a non-student?
- Student dorm legislation: FAQ while renting
- May my cot-boss enter my room without permission?
- What should I do in case of defects or damage to my cot?
- Am I responsible for minor repairs?
- What happens if I don’t pay my rent on time?
- Student dorm legislation: FAQ at end of lease
- What should I do at the end of my lease?
- Can I just leave my furniture?
- When will I get my deposit back?
- What happens if I don’t leave my stateroom tidy?
- Can I extend my contract?
- Can I extend my 10-month contract during the summer months?
- Can my dorm owner charge for final cleaning?
- Can my landlord charge an administrative fee?
1. Student dorm legislation: FAQ before renting
1.1. Moet het studentencontract geregistreerd worden?
- Your landlord must register the student contract.
- The landlord records the contract along with the place description.
- The landlord must register the contract within 2 months of the conclusion of the agreement.
1.2. Is het verplicht om een plaatsbeschrijving van mijn kot op te maken?
- Tenant and landlord must prepare the place description together or call on an expert.
- Tenant and landlord must date and sign the place description.
- You must prepare the place description before contract start date or during the first month of occupying the dorm.
1.3. Mag mijn kotbaas kosten voor de plaatsbeschrijving aanrekenen?
- Your kotbaas may charge for outsourcing a placeholder. In this case, be sure to request an invoice to check that your costs match half.
- You may also suggest that we draft the place description together for free.
- The arrangement is usually stated in your lease.
1.4. Hoeveel waarborg mag mijn kotbaas vragen?
- A rent deposit for students should not exceed 2 months of bare rent.
- Your landlord may ask for the rent deposit at the earliest 3 months before the start date of your contract.
- Paying a rent deposit in cash is not allowed.
1.5. Welke huurprijs mag mijn kotbaas vragen?
- The landlord and tenant mutually determine the rent. All costs and charges must be included in the rent.
- Sometimes the landlord charges consumption costs (energy, water and telecommunications) separately. In this case, the breakdown of these costs and the all-in cost must be explicit in the contract.
1.6. Mag mijn kotbaas de huurprijs zomaar verhogen?
- Your landlord may only raise the rent on the anniversary of the lease. Or at the latest 3 months after.
- And this should be according to this calculation and rules of rent indexing.
1.7. Mag mijn kotbaas de huurprijs verhogen als hij de woning wil opknappen?
1.8. Moet ik zelf een brandverzekering afsluiten?
- As a student, you are not required to purchase fire insurance.
- Your parents’ home insurance often applies to you (student) as well. Check the terms and conditions.
- Some home insurance policies apply within the EU (in case you go on Erasmus). Check the terms and conditions.
1.9. Kan ik een kot huren met weinig geld?
Mostly, yes:
- Rent a kot through your college or university. These kots are often cheaper than if you rent privately.
- Enlist help such as your college or university, the CPAS and the government (scholarship, housing allowance, etc.).
1.10. Kan ik als werkstudent een kot huren?
No: If you are enrolled in full-time education and combine your studies with work, you may not live in a student dormitory.
1.11. Kan ik als niet-student een kot huren?
1.12. Kan ik als student met een niet-student samen een kot huren?
Yes, but several situations are possible here:
- The non-student closes the lease and allows the student to attend, but in this case only the non-student is considered a tenant.
- The non-student sublets part of the student room to the student, but is complex in the case of a studio or one-bedroom apartment.
- Both the non-student and the student sign the lease. As long as one of them has their main residence there, Title II of the Flemish Housing Decree applies.
2. Student dorm legislation: FAQ while renting
2.1. Mag mijn kotbaas mijn kamer betreden zonder toestemming?
- The landlord may enter your room only with your permission, except in emergencies.
- This right to privacy is established by law.
2.2. Wat moet ik doen bij gebreken of schade aan mijn kot?
- Report defects or damage to your dormitory manager immediately. This is mandatory.
- Do this in writing (email or letter) so you have proof of the report.
- Your landlord is obliged to repair serious defects.
2.3. Ben ik verantwoordelijk voor kleine herstellingen?
- As a tenant, you are responsible for minor repairs such as replacing a light bulb or unclogging a sink.
- These obligations are usually listed in the lease, if not? Then these rules apply.
2.4. Wat gebeurt er als ik mijn huur niet op tijd betaal?
- If you don’t pay the rent on time, the landlord can send a reminder and possibly seek damages.
- If the rent arrears persist, the landlord can terminate the lease in legal action and even request the dissolution of the lease in the justice of the peace.
3. Student slum legislation: FAQ at end of lease
3.1. Wat moet ik doen bij het einde van mijn huurcontract?
- Together with the landlord, you should prepare a site survey at the end of the lease to determine any damages.
- Make sure your room and common areas are clean and tidy.
- Return all keys to the landlord.
3.2. Mag ik mijn meubels gewoon laten staan?
- Furniture that is not part of the original inventory should be taken or thrown away.
- If you leave furniture behind without permission, the landlord may charge for its removal.
3.4. Wanneer krijg ik mijn waarborg terug?
Within 3 months of departure.
3.5. Wat gebeurt er als ik mijn kot niet netjes achterlaat?
- The landlord may charge cleaning fees if you don’t leave your dorm clean.
- This cost can be deducted from the deposit.
3.6. Mag ik mijn contract verlengen?
- You may renew a student contract via e-mail.
- You must enter into a new agreement, but it must be in writing.
3.7. Mag ik mijn contract van 10 maanden verlengen tijdens de zomermaanden?
Yes: You may extend your contract for up to 12 months with the same rent, subject to the landlord’s agreement. Arrange the extension in writing by letter or mail.
3.8. Mag mijn kotbaas eindschoonmaak aanrekenen?
Yes, but this cost should be included in the all-in rent.
3.9. Mag mijn kotbaas administratiekosten aanrekenen?
Sources: Agentschap Wonen-Vlaanderen, Flanders
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Stiasteny, L. (2024, Nov. 5). Student dorm legislation: the most frequently asked questions. Apartment.com. Accessed on (date XX/XX/202X), from https://www.appartement.be/studentenkot-wetgeving-meest-gestelde-vragen/
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